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About Me

Hi, it's me, Kally. 

I have been an artist as long as I can remember. Maybe longer. It's very possible that my artistic interests predate my waking memory. I grew up in a colonial farmhouse off the grid, a tiny farm built in 1789, set back in the woods. In the absence of distractions, I learned to draw and paint. 

And sew and cook and build and knit and photograph. I have very diverse interests which include almost anything creative.

In the spring of 2015, when I was living in Boston, I learned that an abandoned church in my hometown was for sale, so I quit my job and moved into my parents' barn. It was a rung lower on the off-the-grid ladder than I had previously been accustomed to: no electricity, running water, wifi, and now, no heat.

I started the very complicated 2-year-long process of purchasing the church, which involved a strange court case wherein we sued the long defunct mill company that donated the church property more than a century ago. 

I set up a tiny studio in the balcony, overlooking the pews, and in the spring we are planning to begin construction to convert the church into a living space, community center, and studio.

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